Year 2 of Operations is Here!

We were blown away at how God orchestrated every step of Year 1 of our operations. He brought the right people together at just the right time to enable this ministry to go into operations 2 months earlier than we had planned. Because of Covid-19, we were asked if we could begin delivery in April of 2020 vs June of 2020 and by God’s providential plan, we were able to do this. We had a wonderful 1st year of operations. God provided the truck and all that was needed to equip the truck for operations, the funds we needed to operate, the food through Gaston County Schools, he provided volunteers, and all the tools needed to deliver our mini-vacation Bible School. We served on average 165 children each and every day. We built wonderful relationships with the children and parents. We served in 11 neighborhoods across our community in Belmont, NC. God bless us beyond measure. We have stayed in contact with our children and families over the fall, winter, and spring months and cannot wait to see them again on a daily basis this summer.

Our truck is ready to go, our food source - Gaston County Schools - is ready to provide the food, Volunteers are being approved and trained, and we are excited to share the Gospel through our mini-vacation Bible school program to the children and parents that choose to listen.

As we gear up for year 2, here are some things that you can help us pray over:

  • We are able to continue to build strong relationships with our partners and sponsors.

  • The safety of all children and volunteers.

  • Financial needs are met. You can visit our Donation page if you feel led to support us financially.

  • The Gospel of Christ is presented according to His will and that hearts are transformed.

For His Glory!

Candace Nichols


Prayer Requests