Get Involved

Today’s Daily Bread could not be made possible without the generosity and support from our community.



It has been so encouraging to see how the Lord has worked throughout Today’s Daily Bread. We thank the Lord for His faithfulness in this journey thus far. Please pray for our ministry. Pray that we will remain selfless, humble servants devoted to seeking the will of our Heavenly Father. Pray that we show unconditional love towards our children and be a light and Gospel influence. Thank the Lord for His constant provision and the numerous ways He has already provided for our ministry.


Another way you can get involved in Today’s Daily Bread is by volunteering. We need people to devote time, Monday through Fridays, to help distribute free meals to the children we serve. We want these interactions to be centered on the great news of Jesus Christ, sharing love and joy with every delivery. Every volunteer will be required to go through a background check, as well as training before they are allowed to interact with our children or work on our food truck.

If you are interested, click the link below to apply now.


The final way you can get involved in Today’s Daily Bread is by donating. Today’s Daily Bread is a nonprofit organization that runs solely off donations and corporate sponsorships. If you or your company would like to learn more about donating to Today’s Daily Bread, please click the “donate” button below.