Our Purpose

Today’s Daily Bread is a Christian-based Non-Profit Organization that has been established to fill the stomachs and hearts of children throughout Gaston County. Over sixty percent of school-age children are accustomed to receiving a free or reduced-price lunch during the school year, but during the summer, the story is quite different. While some of these children have ways to receive a free lunch during the summer via the summer feeding program hosted by Gaston County Schools, a large gap exists among the population of children. Covering kids from elementary to high school, this gap of hunger includes all the children unable to get to or be part of the school system’s summer program sites. As a mobile food delivery service, Today’s Daily Bread will address this need by taking a free lunch to where children live during the summer months when school is not in session, Mondays - Fridays.

Our objective is to provide a healthy free lunch to any child 18 years and younger that falls within this hunger gap during the summer while school is out of session and ensure they know that Jesus loves them.